UPDATE: Click here for a summary of this #DTravel Twitter chat.
Summer travel season is almost here! Wherever you go, your diabetes comes with you. Traveling with diabetes has its challenges, but if you know your rights and plan ahead, you’re almost guaranteed to have a safe journey.
On Thursday, May 8, from 1 to 2 p.m. ET, the American Diabetes Association will hold a special Twitter chat on travel rights and tips for people with diabetes. This is a chance to learn about packing diabetes supplies, preparing for airport screenings, resolving common travel issues and more. Katharine Gordon, Director of the Association’s Legal Advocate Program, will tweet and answer your questions live!
To participate, just log on to Twitter, follow @AmDiabetesAssn and search for #DTravel. If you don’t have a Twitter account, you can follow along by visiting Twitter.com and searching for #DTravel.
We hope you’ll join us — and share some travel tips of your own!